

3 changes to find more peace and joy in motherhood

Mindfulness is the act of bringing awareness to the present moment. It is the act of releasing our attachment to thoughts that keep us in the past, or in the future. As mothers, it is SOO common to constantly be torn between thinking ten steps ahead (what else do I need to do today; when… Read More

Setting Intentions in Alignment with Your Values

Begin by reflecting on a value that you feel wed to. It doesn’t need to be your number one value, but one that, undoubtedly, makes the list. Maybe it’s .. Kindness. Love. Wealth. Relationships. Autonomy. Learning. Serving. Honesty. Trust. Success. Freedom. After you’ve chosen this value.. this value that feels intertwined into who you are… Read More

4 Steps to Stop Playing Small

As seen in Elephant Journal About a year ago, I followed this little voice that was guiding me to put my thoughts down on paper and publish them online.​ I had no agenda. I had no direction. I just started writing about my experiences as a therapist, about what I learned in all my years… Read More

You Are Worth Investing In

{You are worth investing in; your ideas are worth investing in; your happiness is worth investing in; your wellness is worth investing in; & your dreams are worth investing in} I think we all need this reminder. Sometimes we convince ourselves that pieces of who we are can be pushed to the back burner when… Read More

Three Tips to Quiet Your Inner Critic

Sometimes our inner critic gets the best of us. And unfortunately, more often than not, I think we begin to digest and believe what it tells us. Maybe your inner critic makes you question how intelligent you are, how competent you are, how successful you can become, how you look in your clothes, how you… Read More