Sometimes our inner critic gets the best of us. And unfortunately, more often than not, I think we begin to digest and believe what it tells us.

Maybe your inner critic makes you question how intelligent you are, how competent you are, how successful you can become, how you look in your clothes, how you appear to others, the list goes on and on.

And sometimes, life throws out a confirmation to our inner critic–allowing it to gain more strength and grow larger in our minds (a mistake at work, tighter fitting jeans, an argument with a loved one, etc.)
Now, sometimes we are powerless over the ebb and flow life. Sometimes the world might throw us something that knocks us off our feet—but, the one thing we have absolute control over is our mindset. And, more often that not, I would argue that our inner critic is causing us more discontentment than our actual life circumstances.

If you really stop and think about the stress you feel on a regular basis, I would care to bet that it circles back to the impact of your inner dialogue and self-talk.

The good news? You can learn to recognize your self-defeating thoughts and limiting beliefs when they approach and effectively fight against them with these three steps:

1.Bring awareness to your thoughts more regularly.

At some point during a particularly stressful day, stop and reflect on the messages you are telling yourself. Find a quiet space to take a deep breath and write down everything going through your mind. If you’re like me on these rough days, you might notice just how much negativity is occupying your mental space.

The key here is to not place judgment on your thoughts, but to simply recognize them. By writing them down you have taken the first step in gaining more control over them.

2.Practice meditation or grounding exercises to clear your mind.

The next step in combating negative self-talk is finding effective ways to just let go of the thoughts that aren’t serving you. When you practice meditation or other grounding exercises, you allow yourself to get out of your head and into the present moment.

Here are two simple options:

1. Meditation option: Close your eyes and start taking deep, cleansing breaths. Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach as you feel your body rise and fall with the inhalations & exhalations. Once you begin to connect to your breath, simply begin to visualize the word ‘inhale’ on the inhale and ‘exhale’ on the exhale. Focus on these words as you take your breaths. If other thoughts creep in, just acknowledge them and let them go. Bring your attention back to your breath and back to your visualization of these two words.

2. Grounding option: Take a second and send all of your attention and energy into your feet. You can do this whether you are standing or seated. Focus on how it feels for all four corners of your feet to press into your shoes or the floor. Then, send this energy up your legs and use it to contract and bring tension to your thigh muscles. Keep your awareness on this tension for 3 deep breaths (inhale-exhale = one breath). Then, release. Repeat this as many times as you need to bring your attention out of your mind and into your body.

3.Replace your thoughts with some positive mantras.

Step three is to use your newly aware and cleared mind to attract more optimistic thoughts and positive energy. If you need help thinking of some mantras, check out these 10 mantras to adopt to become mentally healthier and more confident with The Huffington Post.

It is so incredibly important that we focus on our own wellness and self-care on a daily basis.

How can we show up for others without feeling at peace with who we are?

So don’t underestimate the power of your mindset in bringing your inner peace. And better yet, train your mind to work in your favor.